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Interessante estudo sobre etnogerontologia

"Vejez en edad extrema. Un estudio de etnogerontología social"
(Laureano Reyes Gómez/Susana Villasana Benítez), publicado na revista 
Revista pueblos y fronteras digital, da Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Didier Eribon, "Vie, vieillesse et mort d'une femme du peuple"

"Vie, vieillesse et mort d'une femme du peuple", Didier Eribon

Encontrei, por acaso, a tradução para o inglês, publicada na revista Granta (nr. 166, 08 /fev. 2024), deste ensaio do filósofo e ensaísta francês Didier Eribon. Não conhecia o ensaio, apenas havia lido boas referências sobre ele, mas estou gostando muito de lê-lo agora, por isso recomendo a sua leitura.

The Life, Old Age and Death of a Woman of the People
Didier Eribon/Translated by Michael Lucey

y link with my mother placed me within a collective history and a mental geography that a single word can describe: family. In her book Old Age, Simone de Beauvoir calls attention to societies studied by ethnologists where older people are the keepers of the knowledge of family genealogies. Is it not the same in our own society? It is certainly so when it comes to genealogies, and, more widely, to that social memory that is most at risk of disappearing alongside genealogies. The task of remembering in this way usually falls to women, partly because they live longer, on average, than men, but also because, in a general way, women are the ones assigned the task of maintaining family relationships and friendships throughout their lives, and so they keep the register up to date, and understand the complexity of these relationships and the changes that take place within them. So it is that in Patrimony, Philip Roth can insist about his mother: ‘it was she around whose quietly efficient presence the family had continued to cohere,’ and that she was ‘the repository of our family past, the historian of our childhood and growing up’. The point here extends beyond ‘family’ understood in the narrowest sense of the term. I am acutely aware of this now: my mother’s death has cut me off from an entire part of myself which, by way of her, remained connected with even quite distant family connections. When I came across the name ‘Eribon’ somewhere on the internet beside a name I didn’t recognise, I could always ask her: ‘Do you know who this is?’ and she would reply: ‘Yes, that’s one of your father’s brother X’s sons,’ or ‘Yes, that’s the wife of X, one of the sons of your father’s cousin,’ and so on. Her genealogical knowledge extended across several generations."
E este também recomendável texto de Paulo Roberto Pires,  publicado no jornal Quatro cinco um (Edição #37, 27 Ago, 2020).

A origem da vergonha
Nascido numa família operária, Didier Eribon parte de sua trajetória para analisar a despolitização de um mundo que se pretende livre das marcas sociais.


Aliza Nisenbaum

Aliza Nisenbaum | MOIA's NYC Women's Cabinet,2016. 
Whitney Museum of American Art. 

Conheci esta obra da artista mexicana ontem, na ilustração de um interessante ensaio de Judith Butler.


Lugares por onde o Cortázar andou!

 “Pronto harán diez años que vivo en Francia, y aunque voy a Buenos Aires cada dos o tres años, la Argentina empieza a borrarse un poco –acotaba–, como la imagen de un muerto muy querido. Y al mismo tiempo se afina, se perfecciona, y entonces solo me van quedando las cosas hermosas que viví allá; primero de niño, después con ustedes en aquel Bolívar de anchas plazas y sobremesas inolvidables.”

Los lugares en el mundo de Cortázar


O "Choro" (1942), de Portinari

Maravilha! Na minha infância/adolescência eu não sabia tanto de choro quanto já sabia desta obra do Portinari. Acho que comecei a gostar de choro por influência do Portinari. Lembro, até hoje, e com muita saudade, da minha caixa de sapatos, repleta de recortes de obras de Portinari publicadas nas revistas O Cruzeiro e Manchete. Foi por aí também que conheci a antológica séria "Quixote". Agradeço ao estimado amigo, o professor e escritor Odenildo Sena, por ter me lembrado disso hoje, muito cedo, numa postagem dele para o grupo


Hanehmann Bacelar Um pintor Amazonense